Hedgeye's Money Back Guarantee Program

© 2025 Hedgeye Risk Management LLC. The information contained herein is the property of Hedgeye, which reserves all rights thereto. Redistribution of any part of this information is prohibited without the express written consent of Hedgeye. Hedgeye is not responsible for any errors in or omissions to this information, or for any consequences that may result from the use of this information.

Hedgeye’s money-back guarantee program is only available for select products.  Money-back guarantees will be available for a limited time and may be modified from time to time.  It shall be in Hedgeye’s sole discretion to discontinue the money-back guarantee program; however, Hedgeye’s decision to discontinue or modify the money-back guarantee program will not nullify your right to a money-back guarantee if your purchase was subject to the money-back guarantee program at the time of purchase.   In order for a transaction to be covered by the Hedgeye Money-Back Guarantee, the following conditions must be met:

1. Eligible payment method includes the following:

a. Use of Hedgeye’s third-party payment processor at Hedgeye.com to submit or update a payment method for a Hedgeye account as part of the Subscription registration check-out process.

2. Minimum requirements includes the following:

a. All requests for refunds must be sent by electronic mail to support@hedgeye.com within 90 calendar days of the date of purchase;

3. For a full list of products eligible for the Hedgeye Money-Back Guarantee, see Exhibit A. below.

  • The consumer must complete and pay for purchase using an eligible payment method1 at checkout;
  • The consumer must meet the minimum requirements2 specified below, including taking action within the required timeframe; and
  • The product must be a product eligible3 for the money-back guarantee and may not be an excluded category or item4.

Refunds provided under the Hedgeye Money-Back Guarantee will be directed to the payment method used during the Subscription registration check-out process.  Accounts for which the payment method charged has since become inactive require refund requester to update the payment method on file so a refund may be issued.

Exhibit A: Products Eligible for the Money-Back Guarantee Program

3 Months for the Price of 1


Purchase Price

Renewal Price Terms


The Macro Show

$49.95 for the first 3 months

$49.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $49.95 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Early Look

$29.95 for the first 3 months

$29.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $29.95 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

ETF Pro Plus

$39.95 for the first 3 months

$39.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $39.95 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Investing Ideas

$29.95 for the first 3 months

$29.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $29.95 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Real-Time Alerts

$49.95 for the first 3 months

$49.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $49.95 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

The Call @ Hedgeye

$29.95 for the first 3 months

$29.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $29.95 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Risk Range Signals

$29.95 for the first 3 months

$29.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $29.95 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Momentum Stock Tracker

$14.95 for the first 3 months

$14.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $14.95 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Signal Strength Stocks

$29.95 for the first 3 months

$29.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $29.95 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Market Edges

$14.95 for the first 3 months

$14.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $14.95 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Bitcoin Trend Tracker

$14.95 for the first 3 months

$14.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $14.95 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Hedgeye Risk Manager

$225.00 for the first 3 months

$225.00 per month thereafter

Refund of $225.00 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Market Situation Report

$49.95 for the first 3 months

$49.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $49.95 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Yearly Promotional Pricing


Purchase Price

Renewal Price Terms


The Macro Show

$325.00 for 1-year

$325.00 per year thereafter

Refund of $325.00 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Early Look

$199.00 for 1-year

$199.00 per year thereafter

Refund of $199.00 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

ETF Pro Plus

$250.00 for 1-year

$250.00 per year thereafter

Refund of $250.00 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Investing Ideas

$199.00 for 1-year

$199.00 per year thereafter

Refund of $199.00 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Real-Time Alerts

$325.00 for 1-year

$325.00 per year thereafter

Refund of $325.00 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Signal Strength Stocks

$199.00 for 1-year

$199.00 per year thereafter

Refund of $199.00 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Top Stock Picks

$349.00 for 1-year

$349.00 per year thereafter

Refund of $349.00 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Digital Assets Pro

$1,499.00 for 1-year

$1,499.00 per year thereafter

Refund of $1,499.00 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

The Macro Show

$99 for 1-year

$299 per year thereafter

Refund of $99 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

ETF Pro Plus

$99 for 1-year

$299 per year thereafter

Refund of $99 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Investing Ideas

$99 for 1-year

$249 per year thereafter

Refund of $99 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

The Call @ Hedgeye 

$99 for 1-year

$299 per year thereafter

Refund of $99 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

1 Month Free, Renews at Monthly or Annual Rate


Purchase Price

Renewal Price Terms


Real-Time Alerts

1 Month Free

$49.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $99.99 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Investing Ideas

1 Month Free

$29.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $59.99 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Top Stock Picks

1 Month Free

$34.99 per month thereafter or 

Refund of $34.99 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Signal Strength Stocks

1 Month Free

$269 per year thereafter

Refund of $269 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Early Look

1 Month Free

$269 per year thereafter

Refund of $269 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Investing Ideas

1 Month Free

$269 per year thereafter

Refund of $269 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

ETF Pro Plus

1 Month Free

$359 per year thereafter

Refund of $359 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

3 Months for the Price of 1


Purchase Price

Renewal Price Terms


The Macro Show

$49.95 for the first 3 months

$49.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $49.95 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Early Look

$29.95 for the first 3 months

$29.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $29.95 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

ETF Pro Plus

$39.95 for the first 3 months

$39.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $39.95 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Investing Ideas

$29.95 for the first 3 months

$29.95 per month thereafter

Refund of $29.95 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Yearly Promotional Pricing


Purchase Price

Renewal Price Terms


The Macro Show

$325.00 for 1-year

$325.00 per year thereafter

Refund of $325.00 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Early Look

$199.00 for 1-year

$199.00 per year thereafter

Refund of $199.00 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

ETF Pro Plus

$250.00 for 1-year

$250.00 per year thereafter

Refund of $250.00 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.

Investing Ideas

$199.00 for 1-year

$199.00 per year thereafter

Refund of $199.00 if subscriber cancels within 90 days.